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Materials, Processes, Applications
- Understanding fatigue and fracture behavior of materials under the influence of hydrogen (incl. high temperatures)
- Hydrogen-related damage mechanisms
- Innovating and establishing testing methods, guidelines and standards for the safe design, containing systems
- Requirements concerning design, manufacturing and operation of pipes, valves, sensors, tanks, and other components in the hydrogen infrastructure
- Fatigue life assessment of components in LCF, HCF and VHCF regime at constant and variable amplitude loading
- Investigating multiaxiality in welded or notched components for improved fatigue life prediction
- Modelling material behaviour such as anisotropy, hardening and creep to improve fatigue life calculation
- Latest developments of AM technologies such as Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), Wire Arc Additive & more
- Requirements for materials focussing on their structural properties and performance under cyclic loading
- Discussing various advanced manufacturing processes and their specific applications, including Cold Gas Deposition, Electron Beam Welding, and Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
- Process monitoring:detecting imperfections and defects and their impact on mechanical and fatigue properties
- Compiling vast databases of material properties, including structural, thermal, electrical, and more.
- Accelerated materials testing withAI-powered systems.
- Predictive maintenance and quality control in manufacturing using AI algorithms
- Structural health monitoring of infrastructure materials, such as bridges and buildings to extend the lifespan
- Unique material challenges associated with hydrogen-fired gas turbines, including hydrogen embrittlement effect
- Remaining service life of conventional plants to optimize efficiency and minimize downtime, requiring predictive maintenance and structural health monitoring techniques.
- The development of materials for high-temperature energy applications that can withstand harsh chemical and thermal conditions for extended service life.
- Practical application of advanced NDT and analysis techniques relevant to various industrial applications for fatigue life monitoring
- Increasing automatization as wells as investigation of the reliability of NDT and all aspects linked to this, like human factors and standardization of reliability for industry
- NDT used in a variety of industries to inspect safety-critical components and structural integrity of components used for safety assessment of energy infrastructure, aerospace or automotive